First the Buddha sect was as a single one. The bhikkhu community lived following one concept which was told by the Buddha. But by the time gradually that situation began to change. There were mistaken ideas among bhikkhu. As a result of that first, second and third dhamma councils were held. By doing those councils monks could protect the pure dhamma of the Buddha. But they could not stop the monks who believed those ideas. As a result of that the Buddha sect was broken into many sects. By the time of third council, there were 18 sects. That means the Buddha sasana has divided into parts. So, then, it is clear that many of them have got wrong views about the Buddhism.
 There were pioneer who took forward for the development of such sects. They thoroughly tried to establish their opinions how they can. They composed books to prove their concepts and they promulgated their opinions to the world. There are many teacher among them.
I.            Nagarjuna
II.            Buddhagosha
III.            Mahadeva
IV.            Kumaaralabda
V.            Vasumitra
VI.            Purnayashash
VII.            Sanghabandu
VIII.            Srilatha
IX.            Kumaralatha
X.            Aryadeva
XI.            Chandrakirthi
XII.            Buddhapalitha
XIII.            Buddhadeva
XIV.            Yashomitra
XV.            Asanga
XVI.            Dhrmakirthi
XVII.            Vasubandhu
XVIII.            Dinnaga
XIX.            Shantharakshitha …..etc are such teacher who dedicated to establish their opinions.

Mahadeva thero

Nikayavalambanashastra of vasumitra says that “after 200 years of the Buddha, mahasanghika sect divided into three parts called 1 Ekavyavaharika 2 lokottaravadi and 3 kaukkutika. The reason for this was Mahadeva thero who lives in Angoththara region. He composed Avatansaka and prañña paramitha sutta. Some were agree and some were disagree for those suttas. Then they were divided into two parts”. [1]

Thus we are able to see who the Mahadeva is? According to above statement of Vasumitra we can identify that he was a pioneer to establish few sects. The books he composed have created conflicts among his followers. They departed from him and they must have begun a new sect.

The bramanavŗtanta of Hyn Siyan says that “After the 100 year of the buddha a thero called Mahadeva wrote a book whish was against to the arhat bhikkus. Many of them accepted his opinion who read that book. Thought the king Ahsoka firstly treat for all bikkhus later he joined with Mahadeva thero and he summoned all bhikkus to ford of Ganga. As Arhat bhikkhus kknew the hidden idea of Ashoka which was to kill the all monks sinking in river Ganga, they went to Kashmir by divine way. Because disgusted Ashoka failed to summon them back, he build 500 temples in Kashmir and handed over the whole country to bhikkhu”[2]

This statement says that how he tried to separate the Sasana. Why the king Ashoka needed to kill them all. I think because they were harmful to the pure Buddhism.
There are five opinions of him which he thoroughly accepted.

I.            Demerits can be done by an Arhat one
II.            Arhatship can be unknown by the obtainer
III.            Suspicious can be arisen about some dhamma facts by the Arhat one
IV.            Arhatship cannot be obtained without a help of a teacher
V.            When he who meditate to obtain enlightenment,shouls say loudly  as “this is sorrow “

However above five reasons arose many arguments among bhikkhu community. Some scholars says that those five reasons mush have helped to create ten unacceptable courses of Vajjiputtakas. Vasumitra says that Avatansaka and praññaparamitha suttas were written by Mahadeva thero . If it is true, Mahadeva thero is the first person who wrote Mahayana suttas.

The teacher Nagarjuna

Nagarjuna is one of a Mahayana teacher who took effort for the betterment of that sect. He composed many boos as praññaparamitha sūtravaņņana.  He is the first Mahayana book writer. Some scholars say that he has taken the ideas for his books from previous Mahayana books.

Polvatte Buddhadaththa thero says that “it can be accepted that he has taken the ideas of mahasanghikas to add to his books”[3]Then it is very clear that Mahayana sect has been arisen as a result of mahasanghikas thoughts. Nagarjuna must have been a follower of mahasanghika. That is why he was able to take the opinions of mahasanghikas.

He was a pioneer set more than ten sects such as Sammitiya. Madyamika tradition has been created, composing madyamika suttas by him. It can be found some personal information of Nagarjuna’s life.

He was born in Vidharbha region in northern side. When he was a child his parents send him for the peregrination to save him form death. Because some Brahmins had said that he had died when he was 7 year. When he was wandering. He came near to Nalanda School’s gate. Then a Brahmin called Salha saw him and said him to be ordain to live long time. Then the prince got the ordination. He learnt all books. But he was expelled from school because he has done a bad function. He got the name Nagarjuna because he was a friend of Nagas.

However again he has begun his peregrination “ after he went to Punyavardhana region and did a big arms giving by creating golds, he build a temple in patavesha kingdom and also he made a temple in rajadesha”[4] according to that statement we are able to see his dedication for the development of his teachings . He has guided to build temples for the sake of the existence of his dhamma.

There are many books which he has composed they are as follows,

1.      prañña paramithashastra
2.      dashabhumivibhashashastra
3.      sutra samuccaya
4.      madyamika mulagrantha
5.      tantrasamuccaya
6.      mandalavidhi
7.      pratityasamutpadacakra
8.      caturmudravinishcaya
9.      Ratnavali
10.  Bodhigana……etc

Thus contribution of Nagarjuna was very helpful for the evolution of some sects such as Mahayana. Sammithiya, Madyamika…and so on. He wrote many books to prove his philosophical opinions. He build up temples to establish his new ideas. However he was a great teacher who dedicate to establish he schools.

The book “Lakdiva Mahayana adahas” of polvaththe Buddhadatta represents about many teacher how dedicated to set their own schools by using their own ideas.

 The beginner of bahulika sect is Bahusruta. Asanga is the pioneer to set tha Mahinsssaka sect. Dhammaguptika sect was started by Dhammagupta. Kassapa set the sect of Kassapiya. Kumaralatha who lived in thakshila started the Sautranthika sect. Smmithiya chapter was begun by Sammatha thero. Dharmoththara started dhammuttariya chapter….ect

There are a lot of teachers who took forward for the development of Buddhist sects. They could success their effort. They spread new concepts on Buddhism. Some concepts were unacceptable according to the pure Dhamma. However their dedication should be evaluated as they are teacher who took forward for the development of Buddhist schools.


·         Lakdiva Mahayana Adahas, Sasanarathana moratuwe, Visidunu Publication,Borella 2012
·         The early history of the spread of the spread of Buddhism and Buddhist schools, Nalinaksha Duth,Cosmo Publicaton,India,2005
·         Buddhist teacher of Bharatha ,second edition, Buddhadatta Polvaththe, S. godage and Brothers,Colombo 10, 2006
·         Buddhist Dharmacarya Examination. Buddhist history and culture,the origin of Buddhist schools in India,Moratuwagama H.M, Department of Buddhist affairs, 2009

Student - Rev M: Gnanaloka
REG: NO; LS/SA/2012/31

[1] Buddhist teachers in Bharatha,pg1,Buddhadatta Polvaththe
[2] Buddhist teachers in Bharatha,pg1, Buddhadatta Polvaththe
[3] Buddhist teachers in 13.
[4] Buddhist teachers in Bharata pg 15
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